About Us

About Us

ELI EMPIRE a business inspired by the Holy Spirit and driven by passion and love. We have a mandate to awaken the body of Christ to discover purpose and take over the world for Christ. We specializes in customize T-shirts, polo shirts, shorts, hoodies, tracksuits, and hats. Offering personalized and unique designs to individuals, groups, and businesses. Our goal is to provide high-quality customized apparel that allows our customers to express their individuality and brand identity.


Inspired by the Holy Spirit with a mandate to share the faith and the message of the Love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through customize clothing’s. 


To become the go-to destination for churches, individuals and businesses seeking premium and personalized apparel that reflects their style and brand

Inspiration of Discover Your Purpose.

We are delighted to share the inspiring genesis of "Discover Thy Purpose," a vision born from the collaboration of two friends, John Ficial and Elisha Ngolemasango.

During a casual business discussion, Elisha, in the midst of exploring new materials & ideas, inadvertently voiced the phrase "Discover Your Purpose." John, attuned to its resonance, suggested it as a potential slogan. Initially hesitant due to the existence of a similar phrase, Elisha sought divine guidance through prayers. In a moment of clarity, the approval to use it emerged, with the understanding that this message holds profound significance for those who are yet to discover their purpose in Christ.

Who are you? this is a question of purpose and "Discover Thy Purpose" is not just a slogan; it is a calling to empower individuals to unearth their unique purpose in Christ, enabling them to make a meaningful impact on the world. Embracing this vision, we embark on a journey to inspire, guide, and uplift those who are seeking purpose and direction in their lives.